FastNLoud F40

by MaineLotus » Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:50 pm

Anyone else watch the F40 rebuild?

Those guys know how to butcher a car…

That’s not Lotus no mo.

by apex » Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:42 am

I saw the first installment, not seen the finish…
Was it worse than the Foose treatment on the Europa?

by MaineLotus » Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:38 am

They do a 50’s style American iron car fix on the Ferrari. A few highlights – frame is straightened to “within a ‘dimes width’ of Ferrari spec”, yet when they install the drive train one of the mounts is off by a 1/2″. Then the pedal box won’t fit to the frame, so they beat the panel with a hammer. Part of the F40 frame is cut out/replaced and welded with a MIG – no TIG for the Italian.

The popup lights are removed and replaced with louvers so air can go no where. Lights are replaced with cheesy LEDs. Original F40 seats are ripped out and Ricer style Recaros are installed. To top it off, a “Gas Monkey” engraved chrome exhaust shield is added around the exhaust exit. 

by SCUFFERS » Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:47 am

just watched the rest of it….


if that body shop were Ferrari approved, I doubt they are now after seeing that!

that chassis is fubar (and should have been obvious it was day 1)

as for the rest of the bodges, just hideous…. RIP another F40

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